FSMB (The Board)
The Board’s role is outlined in the 2019 Fraser Salmon Collaborative Management Agreement (FSCMA), in the FSMB Terms of Reference and in a growing body of protocols and procedures which FSMB has been working to develop. The board holds formal monthly meeting, with additional focused work conducted at task group meetings in between.
FSMB’s work is supported by the Joint Technical Committee, which consists of 5 DFO and 5 FSMC reps. The DFO and FSMC JTC co-chairs attend monthly FSMB meetings, as do DFO and FSMC support staff who assist in implementing FSMB decisions.
FSMB’s work is guided by its annual work plan, which is developed and implemented collaboratively. The FSCMA also requires FSMB’s Independent Chair to produce an annual report on progress in implementing the agreement.
All board decisions are by consensus.
FSMB members:
Independent Chair: Marcel Shepert
- Thomas Alexis, FSMC Upper Fraser
- Pat Matthew, FSMC Mid Fraser
- Ken Malloway, FSMC Lower Fraser
- Tony Roberts Jr, FSMC Marine & Approach
- Jeff Grout, DFO
- Steve Gotch, DFO
- Al Magnan, DFO
- Duncan Stephen, DFO
- Robin Hawes, DFO
- Aidan Fisher, FSMC JTC Co-Chair
- Brittany Jenewein, DFO JTC Co-Chair
Annual Reports
Scenarios for Discussion of the Management Approach for Fraser Summer 5(2) Chinook in 2025
FSMB Cover Note_Chinook 5(2) 2025_IFMP
DFO Response Letter – 2023 MSF Pilots
2023 Fraser Summer 52 Chinook – Rationale for Decision
ATTACH 1 – 2023-07-13 – Chinook Management Actions
February 2023: FSMB Update — Fraser Sockeye & Chinook
August 2022: Fraser Sockeye Management Recommendation
Implementation: 2022 Fraser Sockeye FSC Increase