The Joint Technical Working Group (JTWG) was formed to review the species and/or stock specific basis data, assumptions, and theories that were used or will be used to assess existing or proposed fishery plans and management decisions; and provide an assessment of the plans and management actions as they relate to DFO and First Nations objectives.

For greater clarity and certainty, the Joint Technical Working Group discusses/debates technical information and data on its own merits.

Conclusions arrived at from those discussions may then be provided to First Nations and DFO who may in turn use the information when discussing fishery management issues on a bi-lateral basis.

The JTWG is a Tier 2 technical group that reviews and discusses/debates technical information and data related to Fraser River salmon management on its own merits. It is not a consultation body. Conclusions arrived at from those discussions may then be provided to First Nations and DFO who may in turn use the information when discussing fishery management issues on a bi-lateral basis.

Purpose: To foster greater transparency and understanding between First Nations and DFO with respect to technical issues associated with Fraser River salmon management.

Direction: The JTWG receives guidance from the FORUM Planning Committee and Agenda development is done by consensus/agreement of JTWG participants. The JTWG reports to the Forum on Conservation and Harvest Planning, and sub-watershed First Nations fisheries processes, as appropriate. Individual participants of the JTWG also report back to their respective organizations.

Structure: There are no designated/appointed representatives. Instead, individual participants receive direction from their respective organizations to participate. There is no designated funding for technical participants to engage in these meetings, aside from regular operational budgets from their respective organization.


Joint Technical Working Group – Terms of Reference 2024



JTWG Forum 1 Agenda

JTWG Forum 2 Notes


JTWG Forum 2 Agenda

JTWG Forum 2 Notes


JTWG Forum 3 Agenda


FRAM outputs and Freshwater Breakdown for Interior Fraser CO (2010-2022) JTWG

2024 Run Reconstruction_March 20 2024




JTWG Forum 3 Agenda 2023-04-03

Forum 3 – JTWG APR 3 2023 Final Notes

2021_22 Coho Assessment Fishery


IFC Update Forum 3 (2023-04-03)v2